Textes anglais ou français

  • Deshimaru Taisen, Le livre du kesa, 1986, AZI
  • Duncan Williams, The Purple Robe Incident and the Formation of the Early Modern Sôtô Zen Institution, 2009, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 36/1 27-43
  • Faure Bernard, Quand l’habit fait le moine : The symbolism of the Kâsâya in Sôtô zen, 1995, Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie
  • Filigenzi Anna, Gestures and Things, The Budha’s Robe in Gandharan Art, 2005, East and West, Instituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente
  • Griswold A.B., Prolegomena to the study of the Buddha’s dress in chinese sculpture, 1963
  • Kenshu Sugawara, Kesa Kudoku: Les vertus du Kashaya, Centre pour les études zen Sôtô
  • Katagiri Tomoe, Study of the Okesa, Minnesota Zen Meditation Center
  • Kieschnick John, The Symbolism of the Monk’s Robe in China, 1999
  • Kishigami Kôjun, Wrapped in the  Buddhas robe,  2016, Zen-Road 
  • Transmitting Robes, Linking Mind, the World of Buddhist Kâsâya, 2010, Kyôto National Museum
  • Laurent Kôzen Françoise, Coudre le Kesa,  2005, Entretien
  • Mohr Michel, Zen Buddhism during the Tokugawa Pedriod the Challenge to Go beyond Sectarian Consciousness, Japanese Jornal of Religious Studies, 1994 21/4
  • Okumura Shohaku, Cultivating the virtuous field: the robe chant, 2012,  in Living by vow, Wisdom Publications, Boston
  • Riggs David E., The Practice of Precepts and the Rules of Realization — Ordination Ritual in Japanese and American Zen —
  • Riggs Diane, The Buddhist Robe according to the Teaching   — Nyohôe, Nôe and Funzôe —
  • Riggs Diane, The Cultural and Religious Significance of Japanese Bhuddist Vestments, 2010, University of California 
  •  Riggs Diane, Robes of Rags (funzoe) and Silk in the Edo Period: Menzan Zuiho and Ueda Shohen Interpret the Practice of the Buddhist Robe ( Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies Vol.55, No3, March 2007
  • Rommeluère Eric,  Le Kesa conforme au Dharma, 2014, Ed Les Nuages blancs
  • Rutschman-Byle Jiryu Mark,  Sôtô Zen in Meiji Japan : The Life and Times of Nishiari Bokusan, December 2014,  UC Berkeley
  • Silk Jonathan A. Dressed For Success The Monk Kasaya and Strategies of Legitimation in Earlier Mahâyâna Buddhist Scriptures, 2003 Journal Asiatique 291.1-2, pp. 173-219
  •  Suzuki Shunryû, Sewing Sesshin, 20 june 1971, San Francisco Zendô
  • Suzuki Shunryû, Sewing and Wearing the Bhuddhist Robes and How It Relates to Our Practice, 19 June 1971 , San Francisco Zendô (not verbatim)
  • Till Barry and Swart Paula, KESA The Elegance of Japanese Monk’s Robes, 1996, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
  • Tricycle.org, Tomoe Katagiri: Oneness With Every Stitch, https://tricyle.org/magazine/tomoe-katagiri-zen-sewing-stitching/
  • Yijing , Buddhist monastic traditions of southern Asia, a record of the inner law sent home from the south seas, Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Reserch, 2000
  • The Buddhist Kesa : Clothes of Enlightenment, 2010, Eugene Buddhist Priory